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Dla młodzieży polonijnej

Polish National Alliance Scholarship

Kwota Stypendium:


Termin Składania Wniosków:

April 15, 2025

Wymagania Kwalifikacyjne

The Applicant must be a beneficial premium paying member ingood standing with the PNA for at least three (3) years,or2. The Applicant must be an insured premium paying member ingood standing with PNA for at least two years, providing oneparent has been an insured member for at least five years.Please provide parents/guardians policy information.3. Applicants must have a permanent plan of insurance and becurrent with premiums under the following:• Life Paid Up at 90,• Life Paid Up at 65,• 20 Pay Life,• Single Premium Whole Life4. Annuities and Plan 718 (Modified Life Paid Up at 65) are excluded.5. Effective June 2022 ALL scholarship applicants are requiredto have a minimum of $10,000 policy to qualify to apply.6. The evaluation will be based on a Cumulative Point System.A GPA below 3.0 will not be considered.7. Scholarships will be awarded for studies and programs only inthe U.S. and/or administered by U.S. Colleges and Universities.8. All Applicants will be notified of the Committees decision inthe month of July. All awards will be mailed directly to theCollege or University where the student will be attending in

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O Instytucji

The Polish National Alliance (PNA) is one of the largest and oldest Polish fraternal organizations in the United States, founded in 1880 to support Polish immigrants and preserve their cultural identity. With a mission centered on community service, cultural preservation, and financial security, the PNA provides life insurance, annuities, and financial services to its members. It also promotes educational advancement through scholarships and supports cultural initiatives such as Polish language classes, traditional events, and artistic performances. Through its commitment to fostering Polish heritage and enhancing community engagement, the PNA continues to be a vital resource for Polish-Americans across the country.


Dla młodzieży.

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